Techninės pagalbos kelyje komanda

Mūsų komanda teikia profesionalias techninės pagalbos paslaugas kelyje, užtikrindama greitą ir patikimą pagalbą visą parą. Esame pasirengę padėti tiek privatiems, tiek verslo klientams.

A white service van with a company logo and contact information is stopped at a traffic light. The van is equipped with a ladder on top. It's daytime, with clear skies, and the scene is viewed from inside a red car. Traffic lights and electric poles are visible in the background, surrounded by greenery.
A white service van with a company logo and contact information is stopped at a traffic light. The van is equipped with a ladder on top. It's daytime, with clear skies, and the scene is viewed from inside a red car. Traffic lights and electric poles are visible in the background, surrounded by greenery.
Mūsų misija
Mūsų vizija

Siekdami užtikrinti aukščiausią paslaugų kokybę, nuolat tobuliname savo įgūdžius ir žinias, kad galėtume patenkinti klientų poreikius ir lūkesčius.


Modernios svetainės kūrimas techninės pagalbos kelyje paslaugoms.

Several cars are lined up on a road, with a person wearing a bright orange safety vest and red pants standing to the side. The rear of a black car with a visible license plate is in the foreground, followed by another car on a trailer and additional vehicles in a row. The setting appears to be a road or checkpoint area, with slight greenery visible on the side.
Several cars are lined up on a road, with a person wearing a bright orange safety vest and red pants standing to the side. The rear of a black car with a visible license plate is in the foreground, followed by another car on a trailer and additional vehicles in a row. The setting appears to be a road or checkpoint area, with slight greenery visible on the side.
Greita pagalba

Teikiame profesionalią techninę pagalbą visą parą.

A car labeled 'Ground Service' is driving on a road in front of a large yellow sign displaying '249' with coordinates beneath. The background features a row of trees and a building with a rooftop garden, all under a clear blue sky.
A car labeled 'Ground Service' is driving on a road in front of a large yellow sign displaying '249' with coordinates beneath. The background features a row of trees and a building with a rooftop garden, all under a clear blue sky.
Paslaugų sąrašas

Išsamus techninės pagalbos paslaugų sąrašas klientams.

A man and a woman are on a road beside a parked RV. The man is setting up an orange warning triangle on the ground, while the woman stands nearby holding a phone. The scene is surrounded by a forest with trees mostly bare of leaves, indicating a fall or winter setting.
A man and a woman are on a road beside a parked RV. The man is setting up an orange warning triangle on the ground, while the woman stands nearby holding a phone. The scene is surrounded by a forest with trees mostly bare of leaves, indicating a fall or winter setting.
A large truck with multiple bright yellow lights around its front. The word 'ROTASIZ' is illuminated on top of the truck. Some details and symbols, including a central emblem, are visible on the grill and bumper. The vehicle is stationary against a dark background, giving a sense of night or low-light conditions.
A large truck with multiple bright yellow lights around its front. The word 'ROTASIZ' is illuminated on top of the truck. Some details and symbols, including a central emblem, are visible on the grill and bumper. The vehicle is stationary against a dark background, giving a sense of night or low-light conditions.
Apie mus

Mūsų komanda turi didelę patirtį šioje srityje.

Klientų atsiliepimai

Mūsų klientai vertina greitą ir profesionalią pagalbą.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Puiki paslauga! Greitai atvyko ir profesionaliai išsprendė mano automobilio problemas. Rekomenduoju visiems!

Jonas P.

A roadside scene in a desert setting with a call box next to a gravel road. An American flag flutters in the distance, attached to a thin pole. The landscape features dry vegetation and rolling hills under a partly cloudy sky.
A roadside scene in a desert setting with a call box next to a gravel road. An American flag flutters in the distance, attached to a thin pole. The landscape features dry vegetation and rolling hills under a partly cloudy sky.

Ačiū už greitą pagalbą kelyje! Jūsų komanda buvo labai profesionali ir maloni. Esu patenkintas!

Laura M.

A rural road with several vehicles parked along the side. Fallen tree branches and logs are scattered near power lines. The surrounding area is filled with lush greenery, including bushes and trees, with bare branches indicating recent trimming or damage.
A rural road with several vehicles parked along the side. Fallen tree branches and logs are scattered near power lines. The surrounding area is filled with lush greenery, including bushes and trees, with bare branches indicating recent trimming or damage.